
Sunday, 24 January 2010


Hi everyone,

Had a lovely weekend, which somewhat made up for the pretty depressing week I had. On Friday night Paul and I went to see Avatar and it was as everyone told us...Amazing!! I actually nearly cried in it! It reminded me a lot of the film Fern Gully, what with all the trees being chopped down. It also really made me think about the awful things humans have done to other humans, especially when people drove the native Indians out of America. It was so sad, and made me really angry at the army, and evil men and greed. It was really a great film.

On Saturday I went into town to get some bits and pieces and also went to Hobbycraft. I at least gave myself a budget of £30.00 and only went over by a few pounds. (When I got home I found out I could have saved a lot of money by buying stuff on the internet. But oh well, I had to have t there and then!!) Anyway, here is a photo of the stuff I got:

On Monday is our six month anniversary. A bit sad I know, but we went out for a meal last night to celebrate, we had a voucher for a restaurant that is in the hotel where we stayed on our wedding night, and it ran out this week so we had to use it. So in a way it's not so sad!! (or at least that's what I am going to tell myself!)

Today we had another lovely day, we went for a walk to Silchester Roman ruins, then went out for a pub lunch. All in all a really good weekend. Haven't had time for any crafting at all though but I am trying to do some tonight because a lady at my work has asked me to do some designs for her wedding invitations so I have to get on with those. Back to work tomorrow *sigh* oh well I suppose I have to pay for all the money I have/am about to buy on this internet!! *tee hee*


  1. Looking forward to seeing what you do with that little pile of goodies!
    Somehow browsing through the internet isn't quite the same as loading up a basket and having all that gorgeous coloured sparkly loveliness in you hands and home the same day is it?!

  2. Wow my first comment, thankyou so much!
    No browsing on the internet is just not the same, however havin said that, when I came home I spent a rather large amount on the internet after finding out that it was all half the price. Oops! It arrived today and I was practically salivating over it all! I am sad. Can't wait to start using it all though.


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