
Sunday, 21 March 2010

Busy day

It's been a busy day today.  I have been photographing a couple more items for my Etsy shop here, then went to my allotment, camera in hand, and totally forgot to photograph anything.  I did plant some carrot, leek and spring onion seeds and did a bit of digging.  I was a little bit worried about why my pea and broad bean seeds hadn't come up, so had a little dig around, but I guess it's just been cold for them because there were some little flecks of green coming up when I looked closely.  It was so lovely to get down there.  I always feel refreshed and reguvinated.  It's such a calming place to be.
This afternoon I did some art work which I will probably post tomorrow when I have the daylight back to photograph them, haven't done any for a while so it was nice to relax and paint for a while. 
I then made some cup cakes:

Yummy!!  Will enjoy thos tomorrow!
I am really pleased that I have had lots of views of my items on Etsy,  I just hope so much that someone purchses something.  I am not sure how I feel if they don't sell!
Well have a great night and a lovely Monday.



  1. Everybody's planting their veggies!

  2. Spring is life
    Spring is hope
    So is love and
    Spring renews.
    Without spring,
    life is forlorn.
    Spring is nostalgia
    after bitter storm.
    Put spring in your heart

  3. Not fair posting the picture of those delicious looking cakes! They are my favourite and I am trying to lose the stone I have put on since I stopped smoking 6 months ago!!!! It is lovely when little bits of green start poking through the ground.


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