
Tuesday, 13 April 2010

A plan for the future...

....of my  blog.
After perusing many gorgeous blogs that bring joy to my days such as sfgirlbybay I have been inspired to be a little more structured with my blog, not only to make it more interesting to my dear readers but also to force me to post more regularly.  Here are my initial ideas, please do let me know what you think:
Monday - Happy Mondays, Inspirational images to make me feel happy about the week ahead.
Tuesday - Etsy Favorites, Promoting my fellow Etsy sellers and featuring some of my favorite items.
Wednesday - Blog Feature, featuring one of my favorite blogs, maybe I will even ask them some questions to make the feature more personal and interesting,
Thursday - Tutorial Thursday, On this day I will do a tutorial of something I have made during the week.
Friday - Foodie Friday, looking at my favorite recipes, maybe even featuring some photos of my favorite meal of the week.
Saturday - Allotment update, An update of what is going on at my allotment and in my garden.
Sunday - Spiritual Sunday, As its Sunday, and seeing as I am a Christian, what about some Christian inspiration.

Of course I can't promise I will stick ridgedly to this or that I will in fact post everyday, but I will try my best.  I feel quite excited about it actually.
Now, as its Tuesday I am going to show some of my Etsy favorites, this week I have gone for a bird related theme, because I just love birds at the moment! enjoy!

Thats all for now folks.  See you tomorrow!!


  1. You have discovered some gorgeous bird things. Thank you so much for including my clutch among them. I love the structured idea for your blog and look forward to following it.

  2. first of all, thank you so much for your comment!! it feels good to know that somebody shares your opinion.
    second of all, i think your project of redoing your blog is GREAT!! i especially look forward to the "tutorial thursday", the "foodie friday" and of course the "happy monday". greetings from berlin :)

  3. Such wonderful picks! Thanks so much for including my necklace! I'm following you now, and I can't wait to read your next post! Good luck with the blog makeover! :)

  4. The clutch is so cute. I'm always afraid I'll set one down somewhere and forget it, but this one might be worth the risk.

    Also, I wish my hair were too straight and smooth! I read that if it's gone a few days without a washing, it holds the bun much better.

  5. thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! structure will be good. posting everyday can be a challenge, but great luck to you with your endeavors!


I love reading people's comments on what I have written, but I am not in the business of debating, this blog is my space, so if you can't say something nice, the please, don't say anything at all. If you don't like what I have written then please don't read it.