
Sunday, 25 April 2010

Spiritual sunday

Just a quick one for tonight, I am so tired from a busy weekend and need some sleep!
At church this morning we sang the hymn 'In Christ Alone' which I love.  I particularly enjoy this verse:

No guilt in life, no fear in death,

This is the power of Christ in me,
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny,
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand,
'Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.

I love the thought of 'no guilt in life, no fear in death', I am coming to really believe this even more these days.  Also 'no power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from his hand'.  After a rather bad week at work this line reminds me that nothing anybody does or says to me can change how much God loves me and what he did for me.

Have a great week everyone, 

1 comment:

  1. I love this hymn too Helen, and I am glad you are reading the Bible in a year ... how are you doing with it? If you want encouragement in this, perhaps to be sort of accountable (but not legalistic) - just to help you along, then my email is
    sometimes it helps - especially when in places like Leviticus :0)
    If you want real good sound teaching I recommend
    the site of John MacArthur. You can even watch (instead of the telly .... sorry :0) :0)
    I am so glad we are sisters,
    love for now


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