
Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Helen Jackson Photography up and running

Good afternoon everyone,
I am very proud to tell you that I have finally set a website for my freelance photography business, it is pretty basic at the moment but gives enough detail to get me going, I would love it if you took a look:


I have so many posts waiting to be posted it's untrue, just not enough time, plus trying to restrict myself to one post per day because I worry people will miss the really good posts if I do too many!!

Don't forget to call back really soon, I will be doing a really lovely giveaway when I either get to 100 posts or 50 followers, whichever comes first.  It will be the start of the launch of a new line I am doing in my Etsy shop, so it is very exciting for me.

1 comment:

  1. Well done you! The website looks great, hope you get lots of interest!


I love reading people's comments on what I have written, but I am not in the business of debating, this blog is my space, so if you can't say something nice, the please, don't say anything at all. If you don't like what I have written then please don't read it.