
Saturday, 11 September 2010

Sore gums

Hi everyone,
Haven't been online much in the last couple of days, firstly because our laptop charger cable has broken so we can't use the laptop (using the old PC for this) and secondly because on friday I had one of my wisdom teeth removed and have been in awful pain ever since.  I am not a happy girl.
I have been having trouble with the gum around the tooth for years, it was constantly getting infected and the last time was the final straw.  That was 6 months ago and I finally had the tooth taken out in Friday, it was a most traumatic experience, the dentist seemed to have some trouble getting it out because the nurse had to hold my head.  I tried to relax by listening to music, closing my eyes and visualising I was on the beach, but it was very difficult and I feel sick everytime I think about being back in that chair.  I had the tooth on the opposite side removed when I was at Uni for the same problem and I am sure it was not as bad as this, it has now swollen up to the point where you can see by looking at my face that it is swollen. If it is not better by Monday then I will have to go back to the dentist or Doctors and get some anti-biotics.  I can honestly say that when the anasthetic had worn off I was in the worst pain I have ever felt (even worse than when I fell off my bike and took the skin off my leg!)  It is not as bad as that now but it is still very painful.  I am feeling very miserable and just praying that it will get better soon. 
I would really appreciate your prayers too if you are that way inclined.
I hope you are all having a lovely weekend anyway, and hopefully I will be all better soon and posting up some more paintings I have done for my music cover commission.


  1. OOOOooooo, you have my best wishes. Dental pain makes me cringe even thinking about it so I feel for you for sure....

  2. Oh you poor thing. I hope you feel better very soon. xxx

  3. Oh that sounds awful, I had to get two teeth removed cause I kept getting absesses around them, they had no cavaties but they had to go! I feel your pain tho, when I had mine removed the anaesthetic didn't work (I would say it was worse than labour!!!)
    Hope you feel better soon. xx

  4. I had my two lower WT removed earlier this year, I know how awful the pain is, and I really wasn't prepared for it. I had the gums drilled so got a horrendous infection and huge puffed up fae but antibiotics cleared it up within a week, do go to the docs asap before it gets any worse though, thinking of you and hoping for a swift recovery x

  5. Thanks so much for your comments, it does just make me feel better knowing other know how I feel.


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