
Thursday, 25 November 2010

Some things that made me feel wonderful recently

I don't know about you but I am the kind of person who finds it very easy to find the negative things in life, some days I am so doom and gloom I am almost unbearable, I feel very sorry for my husband at times like this. 

I read Kelly-Rae Robert's blog, love it, love her, love her art and I find it really inspiring to read.  I am reading through her archive and one of the reasons she inspires me is that she used to be a sort of social care worker and gradually reduced her hours and is now a proper, paid, real-deal artist.  Reading her blog makes me feel like it is possible.  Remember the photo I shared of my studio?

I used to feel really down about the fact that this was my "studio", surely if I were to succeed as an artist then I would need a proper studio not just a dining room table.  That was until I saw this on Kelly-Rae's blog: (photo of her dining room table)

Finding little things like this just really cheered me up, every one has to start somewhere, even Kelly-Rae!  So perhaps there is hope for me yet!

This contrasted with all the lamenting and complaining that I normally do made me think that perhaps I should try to be a little more positive and think of all the wonderful things that have happened to me in the past few weeks that make me feel like life is great, paying attending to the delights in life surely make this journey much more pleasing:

1. Messages on my blog, oooh I love them!  It is especially fun when I get one from a friend or someone I know, I am like "  I right, people I actually know in real life read this blog!  (Thank you Melissa!)

2. Finishing a painting, yes I have actually finished one and I think it is good, yes I like it! It expressed me!

3. People like my photos, who knew!  I do think they look good too sometimes but I am always amazed when people look at my photos and just love them, I am so critical of myself. I find it hard to believe positive comments sometimes.

4. Reading in one of my pupil's art books that she likes her teacher!  (me!)  and that liking me makes it easier to do good work.

5. A phone call from my sister ringing just because.  Often when I have calls from siblings it is a request for a room for the night, I don;t mind, but it is really nice when one of them phones just for a chat!

6. A friend asking for creative advice.  I am like "me!? you want creative advice from me?!" it makes me feel special and like I may actually have a creative spirit to share.

7. People giving me doilies just because they know I love them.

8. My piggywigs squeaking and squealing when they think we are coming out to give them food.

9. Cuddles with hubby, I could really gust spend all day cuddling, I really could, love, love, love it!

10. Time spent doing art, it is so precious, rare and beautiful.  I treasure every moment I can snatch with my paint brush and a canvas, pad or piece of paper. Producing art fills me with so much joy, I am totally contented when I am making something.

What fills you with joy?


  1. Today I was filled with JOY because it is Black Friday today - a big shopping day in the States. I got deals on gifts for others -- maybe not the JOY you are speaking of, but it brought me JOY!

    Another JOY is when my dog, Lucy, actually wants to snuggle up next to me. Wasn't like that before I left for England.

    Be happy! I do read your blog -don't always leave comments. I'll try to get better at it!

  2. Thanks so much Melissa, it is good to know that there are people readong my blog.


I love reading people's comments on what I have written, but I am not in the business of debating, this blog is my space, so if you can't say something nice, the please, don't say anything at all. If you don't like what I have written then please don't read it.