
Wednesday, 26 January 2011

New Mixed media paintings for the shop

Steadily producing about 2 painting a week now.  I need to step this up a gear though really.  Hoping to add some prints to the shop really soon.  Here are the latest, I am trying to include a photo of the painting with an object to get a better sense of scale:

Would love some feedback on these, why haven;t I had any sales yet?!


  1. These are beautiful Helen! Good luck with them!
    Hey, you won the giveaway on Dinosaur Toes!!! Make sure you email me your address so I can send you your prize!

  2. Wow!! I can't believe it, this is just what I need today as I have had a very bad day! This has cheered me right up! Thankyou so much!


I love reading people's comments on what I have written, but I am not in the business of debating, this blog is my space, so if you can't say something nice, the please, don't say anything at all. If you don't like what I have written then please don't read it.