
Sunday, 16 January 2011

Woodland walk

Hubby and I are members of the Wildlife Trust, and as such we receive information about nature reserves in our area.  We hadn't been to any yet so decided to give one a go.  We went for Moor Copse towards Pangbourne. We did a lovely mile and a half walk through fields, woodland and along part of the river Pang which is apparently where the author of Wind in the Willows Kenneth Grahame got his ideas.  At this time of year Moor Copse is famed for it's Catkins, so we enjoyed looking at them, amongst other things:

We will hopefully visit some more of the Wildlife Trust's nature reserves because, apart from the motorway noise, this one was lovely.  There was a quote from Wind in the Willows on one of the information boards, it is so poetic, it read:

"Never in his life had he seen a river before - this sleek, sinuous, full-bodied animal, chasing and chuckling, gripping things with a gurgle and leaving them with a laugh, to fling itself on fresh playmates that shook themselves free, and were caught and held again.  All was a-shake and a-shiver - glints and gleams and sparkles, rustle and swirl, chatter and bubble."

1 comment:

  1. I realy really want to start doing more stuff like this with my bf rather than sitting in on the weekend watching crappy tele, especially when I've got so many pretty heritage sites and parks around me. I think i'll add it to my new years resolution list xxx



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