
Thursday, 10 February 2011

Faithful God

I feel really happy today, it has been a stressful week at work and today was the climax.  We were having observations from the senior leadership team AND people from the council.  We were told the day but not what lesson they were coming into. When I found out they would be coming in on Thursday I just thought "oh no" because Thursday is my worst teaching day, I have dreadful classing including nightmare year 9's, offensive year 10's and wild year 8's. My only nice class on that day was year 11period 1 so I was really hoping that I would be observed for this lesson, not only because they are nicer to teach but also because it was the first lesson of the day so I would be able to relax a bit after that if they came in then. I talked to another teacher who was observed on Wednesday and he was observed in his year 10 lesson and said that I would probably be observed either in my year 9 or 10 lesson.  I didn't hear of any other teacher who was observed during a year 11 lesson so was bracing myself for a year 10 or 9 observation and planned the lessons really really well.  I did the least amount of planning for year 11 because I thought they were the class that would be least likely to be observed.  That was how convinced I was that I wouldn't be observed with them.  So I prayed and prayed last night that they would come into my year 11 lesson, and I prayed again this morning, remembering that "You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it" (John 14:14), and about 15 minutes into my year 11 lesson one of the Deputy Heads came in to observe me. I was so pleased and relieved and thankful.  In my heart I was praising God!
I thought I could relax then for the rest of the day but instead God decided to play a joke on me and sent another inspector into my period 2 lesson (year 8). I couldn't believe it, but when I told her that I had already been observed she went away "phew"  Ha ha God, very funny.  But what was interesting was that she showed me her timetable for observation and she was correct to come into my lesson, it was the first observer wasn't timetabled to be there.  This proved to me even more that it was all God's work.  What a faithful God!


  1. Don't you love when things work out like that?

  2. The sun always shines on the righteous! :) x

  3. So glad you stopped by!
    any time.

  4. Hi Helen, Always remember the amazing promise in Hebrews 13:5
    "I will never leave you nor forsake you" says the Lord. How gracious is our Faithful God.
    Bless you :0)
    Val xx


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