
Wednesday, 9 March 2011

A new painting in the shop

I was explaining my my head of department at school how I am stuck in a creative rut and can't find a way forward, she suggested that I avoid using tissue paper because it is something I feel I can't live without.  So I took up the challenge today and created two paintings sans tissue paper.  Here is the first one I did, layering lots of media and with one of my favourite themes.  Did another painting to, used "encaustic" (is that the right spelling?), using wax on the canvas which is quite a new thing for me.  I was very experimental and felt a bit like a crazy scientist!  Will share it as soon as I can photograph it in decent light.
Here is the other one:


  1. That's really good advice--it forces you to get out of your creative comfort zone. Do you still feel in a rut, or is it too soon to tell?

  2. Good evening, my friend,
    I think the sketch book has helped Helen, (not that anyone other than yourself has noticed that you were in a rut! All your work is beautiful) in that it has given you inspiration and impetus. But whether you are painting, or creating other things ..... always think ..... your blog IS always creative and inspiring to US :0)
    If you are in a creative rut .... pray, our God is the Great Creator.
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Val xx

  3. Thank you so much Val. I have been praying, I am totally at His will.


I love reading people's comments on what I have written, but I am not in the business of debating, this blog is my space, so if you can't say something nice, the please, don't say anything at all. If you don't like what I have written then please don't read it.