
Monday, 25 April 2011

Hinton Ampner

I have loads of photos to share with you from over my wonderful Easter holidays.  I can't tell you how fab it has been to have two weeks off work, it feels like a lot longer and I feel like I have used the time really well and done loads of things. I feel very refreshed and relaxed, I just hope this feeling lasts as I go back to work, I know there is going to be some stress in the coming weeks. Anyway, before I start to lament the fact that I have to return to work let me share with you some photos from a National Trust house and garden that we visited a week or so ago; Hinton Ampner:

The gardens here were absolutely glorious and the scent of the flowers was positively heavenly, I actually lay on the grass in the sun and just breathed it all in.  

The light was truly beautiful, I felt like I was in bliss at times I wished I could have walked around the garden for longer it was so peaceful and wonderful.

I will share some more photos tomorrow about out visit to Winchester. Hope you have enjoyed your bank holiday weekend (if you had one) and are having a positive and wonderful start to the week.  

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