
Tuesday, 2 August 2011

30-Day Mori Challenge

So I haven't been very well recently which is partly who I haven't been posting much.  I am still not well, but to get myself back in the swing of blogging (I miss you guys!) I am taking part in this 30-Day Mori Challenge that I found on Fern & Fawn,

I am a few days behind so will probably do a few days at a time, no doubt I will skip days too and end up doing two or more on one day.

So here goes.

Day 1- 10 things about your Mori bubble.

1. I discovered Mori back in April 2010 and fell in love with the lifestyle and fashion style.  I was convinced that I had always been a Mori girl but didn't really know it.

2. I particularly love Mori interior design and feel I can express my Mori-ness best through interior design.

3. I love love love nature, walks in the forest, meadows, by the river, I love getting back to nature and feeling close to nature, I feel especially at home at my allotment.

4. Mori girls love cameras, and I love taking photos, I have a small photography business, I also love vintage cameras and polaroids.

5. I am thinking about Mori-fying some of my clothes with lace tape,

6. I am the only Mori girl I know in real life,

7. I am not brave enough to go full out Mori with my clothes, I tend to take little things from the style and team it with my everyday clothes, for example I am currently wearing small floral prints, crochet, pastel colours and natural fabrics,

8. I want to wear more Mori clothes but can't afford to buy anything new right now, booo!

9. I love doiles and have a collection of vintage ones, I collect lots of vintage stuff generally, but because I have such a small house I tend to keep it for a short while the sell it on in my Etsy shop,

10. I have never been to Japan, but would love to visit.

That's day one complete.  I think I am a week behind so may do another post later!



  1. OMG- i am one of these! And i actually know other people like this. But i wear considerably more glitter and colour then which is considered healthy... is that ok? The ethic is very much there though... i didnt know it even had a name. I was just calling myself an English Rose!

  2. Hi Lianne, yes of course you can, just be yourself, I think if you love the forest and nature then you are a Mori girl, I don't think you have to look exactly like one to be one.


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