
Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Maternity leave: Day two

The big sort out continues; today I sorted through all our old receipts, some dating as far back as 2005.  I can't help but think "why on earth did I keep this receipt for a white t shirt from tescos that I bought in 2006 for £3.00"?  Hubby sorted through a massive pile of paper including lots of bank statements, credit card bills and the like.  Both of us are terrible at organising our paper work. We both always wish we were better at being organised with our things, not hoarding, keeping things in order, the right place for the right thing, but we are fighting a losing battle against our genes.  Both sets of parents are terrible hoarders and organisers, it is quite literally in our DNA to be chaotic with our things.  We are also finding it very difficult to get rid of stuff, if we are not asking ourselves "will I need it in the future for some obscure reason"  I am thinking "but I could make it into something".  But those days must end because we have a baby coming and it needs room!  So not only have I now an extensive list of books for sale on Amazon, but also a pile of shoes, bags and clothes waiting to go to charity shops.  It is quite cathartic in a way, but also frightening.

In other news I went into town today to buy some nursing bras, I am now a shocking size 34 J!!  Which is the largest size I can get, so I am really hoping they are not going to get any bigger when the milk comes. I am finding some of the physical changes of pregnancy quite distressing and am beginning to wonder if I will every feel good about my body again.

Also bought some washable nappies from Boots.  We are planning on getting more second hand but are feeling the urge to make sure we have everything ready for baby sooner rather than later, so a pack with 3 wraps and 12 liners should keep us going for a while if baby decides to come a little earlier than expected.

Last night I ordered a Tens machine for hire to help with discomfort during labour not sure if it will do any good but I figure anything is worth a try.


  1. Oh, well done you! We are just the same with the chaotic hoarding but two small boys plus a number of moves helped us no end with getting rid of excess stuff!

    I'm guessing you'll get temporarily bigger when the milk comes in (buy a white cabbage and stuff the leaves into your bra for relief, it honestly works wonders) but that only lasts a day or even less. Then I guess you'll stay pretty much the same. And I am sure you will feel betetr about your body again. The first time I got whistled at after my son was born I was so smug, instead of feminist-offended like I usually would be! The thing is with pregnancy and babies: you think every stressful period is going to last forever. And then suddenly it's over. I found that worth remembering.

    God bless you all!

  2. Thankyou so much for your comment Floss, I am sure it is a comment that I will look at again in future for reassurance.


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