
Tuesday, 7 February 2012

maternity leave: days seven, eight and nine

Oh dear, I am not keeping up with my maternity leave diary!  Well I haven't really had anything exciting to report.  On Sunday I had the ladies from my NCT group over for another afternoon tea.  It was lovely chatting with other pregnant women, all due to give birth around the same time as me.
Baby has been really active the last couple of days, like crazy active, it's still not in the right position though, it's back is on my right hand side and it is much better for its back to be on my left before birth because it makes it easier during labour (apparently).  I have a midwife appointment tomorrow, so it might have moved by then, we will have to wait and see.  I keep feeling its foot in my side and grabbing it and saying "foot" loudly so maybe it will know what its foot is, or will recognise the word "foot" after it's been born.
Today I spent some time writing my birth plan, or as I have called it "Birth preferences" because nothing ever goes to plan. I want to have as natural a birth as possible, but at the end of the day I just want baby to come out and be healthy and for me to be healthy too.  I am sure that is all any expectant mother can hope for.
Any of you write a birth plan?  What did you include?

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