
Thursday, 12 April 2012

Featured Crafter - iheartbuttons

You may remember a few days ago I blogged about a fantastic wedding I attended and included this photo of a stunning button bouquet. 

I have to say I was pretty impressed with the bouquet myself, I hadn't seen anything like it before.
Anyway, as luck would have it, the talented maker of this bouquet stumbled upon my blog by googling "button bouquet" and she was kind enough to leave a message for me.  I visited her website and sent her an email and asked her if she would be so kind as to answer a few question for the interest of you, my lovely readers, fortunately she said yes!

Hi Lesa, thanks so much for agreeing to do this interview please do tell us a little about yourself and your business:

Hi Helen, thanks again for blogging about I Heart Buttons, it's a pleasure to answer some questions for you, I am flattered that you think your readers will be interested in my business.  In 2010 I moved to the Isle of Wight to bring up my two children. I happened to see a photograph of a button bouquet on the internet and it was love at first sight. I researched how to make them, bought some buttons and other materials and gave the result to a friend. One of her friends saw it and asked me to make one for her wedding. From there I opened an ebay shop, launched a website and started getting lots of enquiries.

What/who inspires you? 
I can't say there is a particular person or thing that inspires me. I 
get a lot of inspiration from the beautiful vintage brooches and jewellery I find for my bouquets. Most recently I found the most 
gorgeous pair of vintage gold and blue/green leaf earrings. Then when in my local haberdashery shop I saw a material in a colour that would go perfectly and my "Tiffany's Treasure" bouquet was created.

What motivates you? 
The thought of creating unique bouquets and I love the reactions from the lovely people who follow and support my work.

What are some of your favourite websites/blogs that you like to visit? 
It is so busy at the moment that I struggle to have free time to surf the net but I do have a penchant for cars and belong to a couple of car forums. I also love looking at online wedding sites such as Ideal Bride, Ice the Cake and you have to love Kat Williams Blog, RocknRoll Bride.

Who are your favourite artists? 
Being honest, I am not from an arty background so have never really 
followed any artists. Although I do now belong to the Isle of Wight Arts 
www.isleofwightarts.com and there are some fantastic local artists here on the Island.

What are your goals/plans for the future? 
When a bride considers a button bouquet, I would love I Heart Buttons to be the first company that is thought of or recommended. I have lots going on at the moment so watch this space :)

How do you come up with ideas for your designs? 
They just happen. As soon as an idea pops into my head, I write it 

Can you recommend places to buy tools and supplies for someone who wants to make button bouquets?

Craft shops would sell the tools. Fantastic buttons can be found in shops such as Funky Poppy in Plymouth and on Facebook/Ebay.

That's there serious questions over with, now for the stuff we really want to know!

What is your idea of the perfect day? 
A track day in my car at Oulton Park would be a fantastic day. Even 
better if it was in someone else's car (just in case lol). Or out sea fishing in the Maldives... 

What is on your wish list? 
A Lamborghini Aventador. I will have an I Heart Buttons Lamborghini one day, it may not be an Aventador but we shall see.

Do you collect anything? If so what? 
Betty Boop and Buttons! I started collecting vintage Betty Boop 
memorabilia back in 1999. I built up quite a collection which I am now selling off in my shop here in Ryde. Buttons, well that comes with the 
territory lol.

Who would you like to sit down to dinner with? 
My husband. It seems a rare occasion now we have any time together to sit down and eat dinner without interruptions from the kids or him being at work on the mainland. 

Do you have any guilty pleasures? 
Curries. I love making and eating curries from scratch.

Thanks so much for answering all my questions Lesa, it's been great talking to you.

All photos are from Lesa's website: www.iheartbuttons.co.uk
You can also visit Lesa on her Facebook page.


  1. What a great interview....fabulous button bouquet designs, shame i'm already married ;o)

  2. Great interview! I'm a new follower of your blog who found you through blighty boutique (Great tips on the grab your button tutorial)

    Please come and take a look at my blog when I have enough followers I will be doing a fab little giveaway!

  3. Thanks guys, glad you like the interview. Honey.bee I would love to visit your blog but it seems that your profile is not available, have you set it as private?

  4. Oooh maybe I will go and have a quick look! here is a link

  5. I absolutely love button bouquets - they are so beautiful and original and I imagine for brides nicer because they'll last forever! Some of these really are fantastic!


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