
Monday, 30 July 2012

Happy Monday

Been thinking a lot about living a simpler life recently and have enjoyed looking at photos and watching videos of tiny homes.  This is a particularly lovely film, live the bit with Janine Alexander and her portable home.
Fantasising about living in a little caravan or something, or a small wooden house, Little House on The Prairie Stylee:

Would you like to live in a tiny house of couldn't you stand it?  How much stuff would you have to get rid of in order to live in a tiny house?


  1. I've seen a few of these little houses in the the newspapaers recently, they look lovely! I would love to live in a little house, i think it would help me to stop hoarding all my things. I would have to get rid of so much stuff though i don't think i could give it all up.

    1. It would be a great way to stop me hoarding too. But I am not sure where I would keep all my craft stuff!

  2. Hi , thanks for the link...sooooo interesting. I love the trailer style homes and the woman who built her own was very inspiring. Not keen on the tiny apartments , more because I would not want to live in the city. I love to see this sort of thinking...less is more. It's wonderful to be content with your lot and not wanting more, more more.
    Jacquie x

    1. I agree Jacquie, I could never live in one of those tiny apartments, I would get claustrophobic thinking all the other people living in the building with me, and all that concrete. I need outdoor space too. For me it's more about having less stuff than the challenge of living in a small a space as possible, living in a small space because you want to rather than having to.

  3. I'm in love with the idea of a tiny home at the moment also. thankfully i'll get to live a tiny home lifestyle of sorts next year. We'll be living in a shed (while we build a home). I've started culling my possessions so that we fit - and it is so hard letting go of stuff.

    1. I always feel a sense of relief when I get rid of things, I feel lighter.


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