Thursday, 23 June 2011

New Items in the shop

Hi all,

Recently I have added some new items to my shop, all made from vintage paper that I have acquired.  As I am sure yo know, I love working with vintage paper, it gives everything such a lovely feel.  Here are the new things; if you click on the image it will take you straight to the item in my shop:

Hope you are all having a good week, I am weary this week, looking forward to a restful weekend.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Youth Group painting

I have recently been helping run my church youth group on Sunday evenings and I was given the responsibility of  organising a group painting.  We decided we would create an image similar to that of the church logo which is a tree with people underneath it, the kids at youth group all designed their own logo and we combined them to create a new logo.  I was worried about being too "teachery" in the evening, but the girls who I help run the group with said I was really good.  It gave me a real boost to have people tell me I did really well because positive praise and encouragement like that rarely/never happens at school.  Also all the kids really enjoyed the painting, they tried really hard and were really appreciative, (again another thing that rarely happens in school)  All in all it was a really rewarding experience and is definitely the sort of thing I would like to do more of.

Here are some pics:

And the finished painting:

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Scotney Castle

Been really busy lately so haven't been able to post much, four weeks left of term!  yippee!  So soon I will have a bit more time and be able to post a bit more. I am hoping to stock up on some items for the craft shop, I have added some paper items recently, but really need to stock up on the vintage ceramics, which I really enjoy buying and selling.  Today I sold my Porcelain fawn bookends, which I am totally devastated about!  Because I love love love them,  but don't have the space to keep them for myself, so it is time for them to move onto a new loving home.  So I will hopefully be off to some car boot sales soon to get some more beautiful little friends to share with the world.

On Saturday Paul and I went with Paul's mum and dad to Scotney Castle in Kent.  It was a rainy day but we managed to catch a bit of sun as we walked round the gardens.  Here are some of my favourite pics.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Exciting happenings in London

Well who knew that not only would today be the day of the Queen's Birthday (Happy Birthday Mam) but it was also the day of the Naked London Bike Ride! What a day!

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Birthday photos

Sorry I haven't been around lately, had things on my mind , which I will probably share with you at some point.  I have noticed that talking about things that are going on help me to understand how I feel about them.  Just last night I was talking to a very old friend on Facebook and told him all about my life at the moment, it was nice to talk to someone who is out of my immediate loop, gives me a different perspective.
Anyway, I thought you would like to see some photos from my birthday weekend because I have a lovely lovely time.
I went to stay with my friend Hannah and two of her lovely sisters (all of whom I have known since they were born!) in London.  On Friday night we went to a fabulous cafe called Drink, Shop, Do.  I had been wanting to go there for ages after seeing a fellow blogger had been there.
Basically it is a cafe, which contains all vintage and mid-century-modern furniture.  We had an afternoon tea which arrived on a cake stand made from all different vintage plates, the tea was served in all different vintage tea pots and with all mis-matched cups and saucers, it was sooo cool.  The decor inside was absolutely my taste, I kept gasping every time I turned my head and saw another fabulous thing.  The melamine tables alone were enough to give me palpitations.
I had Earl Grey and cornflower tea which was delicious and all the sandwiches were so cute with their crusts cut off, by the time we got to the delicious selections of cakes we were stuffed!  (Mostly with tea of which I consumed 7 cups!)
The to top it all off we finished the lunch with a wonderful glass of cava.  Oh yes it really was wonderful.

For some reason if feels necessary to put on a silly face when pouring the tea!

Then we went for dinner and decided to go to a bar or cocktails, on the way we stopped at Platform 9 3/4 and adopted another silly pose:

Next morning we had a lovely fry up courtesy of Hannah and her kitchen:

All in all a really great weekend.
I love my friends!

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Now I am 28

Twas my birthday yesterday and now I am 28 years on this beautiful planet.  I have been thinking about the future a lot, I am officially no longer in my mid twenties and am now fully in my late twenties and it is time for me to let go of a few things and move on.
Over the last few years some people who I once called my best friends have seriously let me down, confused me, saddened me and hurt me at times when they should have been happy for me and there for me, and another person who I have never considered a friend but have had in my life regardless, has led me doubt my life, my choices and my feelings, (for the worse), leaving me feeling very inadequate.
I have never felt that the feelings I have had have been fully resolved with these people and when I think about them or hear of them the old wounds open and the same feeling of pain and hurt gush out and my heart feels heavy and aches, but now I am beginning to understand that it doesn't matter because I have been put here for a greater purpose; to serve God and to glorify him in everything I do.  This knowledge gives me a sense of Peace, knowing I can rest in God's amazing purpose for my life and know that everything that has happened has taken place as part of his perfect plan.  What could be more wonderful that knowing I am here serving Him, this truly does overshadow the hurt and pain I have felt.  His purpose is greater than anything.