
Sunday, 9 October 2011

Mannequin update

You may remember some time ago my sister and I made a mannequin of my own body and I posted up photos of the process.  After posting about it on a forum I visit, I realised I never shared with you the photos of the finished object, so thought I would do so today!

I made the mannequin by putting on a black plastic bin bag then getting my sister to wrap my in gummed parcel tape.  When I was all wrapped up my sister cut up the back and removed the form.  I then taped up the cut and the head hole and stuffed it with plastic bags.

Next I took an old Christmas tree and cut off all the branches, I wrapped the tree in some tough white cotton and secured it around the trunk with some co-ordinating herringbone tape.  I then secured the trunk in a Christmas tree stand.  I placed my mannequin form on top and covered the bottom of the form with more gummed tape to keep it attached to the tree trunk.

Here is the finished thing:


  1. That's such a good idea! Must have been a lot of fun to make too!x

  2. Yes it was a good laugh, I have just created a link to the original post if you want to have a look. Click on the coloured words in the first paragraph.


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